About our association

The United Nations Association in Spain (UNA-Spain) is a non-governmental organisation founded in Barcelona on October 31, 1962. The UNA-Spain is a member of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), created in 1946 as a social and apolitical initiative with the fundamental objective of defending and spreading the principles of peace and human rights in the world to achieve peaceful coexistence between all the peoples on the earth. The UNA-Spain has consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
One of our main challenges is to guarantee the effectiveness and development of women’s human rights through awareness and education. We hold national and international seminars, workshops, and publications and organise campaigns where the defence of women’s rights is the protagonist.
Our advocacy has an international impact. Having the support of the World Federation of United Nations Associations and consultative status with ECOSOC allows us to echo the situations of the vulnerability of women’s rights, both of those that should be consolidated, as well as those that pose new challenges for the legal, economic, social and cultural systems for protection and promotion of women’s rights.
The UNA-Spain has a Board of Directors led by Dr Eulàlia Pascual, PhD, and a primarily female team of experts in human rights, international law, women’s rights, socio-cultural and reproductive health.